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People of Preston series

The following series of discussions aims to spotlight individuals that are helping to transform Preston City and find out about some of the faces behind Preston's thriving business community.

Radu Solomon, Hollywood Bowl Preston

19 December 2024: We talk to the Centre Manager at Hollywood Bowl in Preston, Radu Solomon, about the centre joining the Animate complex.

Matt Cowburn, Cowburn Watson-Box

14 November 2024: Matt Cowburn, a member of the Preston Towns Fund Strategic Board and co-founder of a cost and project management company, Cowburn Watson-Box.

Brian Gilligan, Arc Cinema

28 June 2024: Brian Gilligan, director of ARC Cinema - picked Preston as its first location in the North West for the fast-growing cinema brand.

Julie Palmer, Preston City Council

18 June 2024: Julie Palmer is the Regeneration Manager at Preston City Council - playing a leading role in the city's transformational growth.

Marie Percival, Preston City Council

26 April 2024: Marie Percival is the Head of Property at the Council - having joined the authority in 2022 at a time of great change.

Rizwan Seth, Wrkspace

21 February 2024: Rizwan Seth is the founder and Managing Director of Wrkspace - a leading provider of bespoke office accommodation in the North West area.