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East-West Cycle Link Scheme - Avenham Lane / Queen Street

Download a copy of the East - West Cycle Link Scheme (Avenham Lane and Queen Street). (PDF, 4 MB)

As part of the Active Preston programme Improvements.

This East-West cycle link scheme to Avenham Lane and Queen Street is being delivered, with funding successfully secured through the 'Active Preston' Programme.

This proposed East-West Link scheme presents an important opportunity to further expand the improvements to the active travel infrastructure across Preston, improving the City's sustainable transportation network and public realm.

The improvements are designed to encourage cycle and pedestrian movement through Avenham Lane and Queen Street.

This proposed cycling corridor will include 700m of bi directional segregated cycle track to LTN 1/20 standards and a number of crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists at key locations along the Avenham Lane and Queen Street corridor.

These works are being delivered by Preston City Council working in partnership with Eric Wright Civil Engineering.

This proposed cycle corridor bridges a key gap in the eastwest cycling route connection west via Preston rail station and east to the colleges, complementing Lancashire County Council funded cycling infrastructure work and the 'Quietway' cycle link out to Waverley Park.

The Aims and Benefits of the Scheme

  • To add to the cycle network within Preston and encourage cycling.
  • To bridge a key gap in the East - West cycle network within Preston's central core to connect communities, education, businesses and transport hubs.
  • Improve the walking / cycling environment, by improving the attractiveness of the street scene with tree planting.
  • Improve the ecological and environmental value through planting of trees and bulb / wildflower planting.
  • Supports the creation of a more sustainable connected, healthy and liveable city.

Proposed extent of the proposed East-West link bi-directional cycle route

Proposed planting arrangement along the new cycle route

The current arrangement along Avenham Lane and Queen Street includes a wide grass verge to the south side of the road and a pedestrian footpath along the back of the verge.

This proposal reduces the width of the grass verge in order to introduce the bi-directional cycle lane along the side of the footpath.

The grass verge is improved with new tree planting in key locations along the street.

The trees will form an avenue. Bulb and meadow planting is introduced in swathes, bringing seasonal interest, enhanced biodiversity and variation along the route.

The proposal also includes a number of parallel crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists at key locations, including a zebra crossing on Avenham Lane outside the Harris Institute.

Typical section of the existing street arrangement - for illustrative purposes only

Typical section of the proposed street arrangement - for illustrative purposes only


  • Statutory processes and approvals: Winter 2024/2025
  • Construction on site: Summer 2025
  • Completion: Winter 2025

Next Steps

Following completion of the consultation exercise, the feedback received from stakeholders, organisations and residents will be considered.

Some changes may be required to be made to the scheme as a result.

A number of statutory processes, such as a Section 278 highways agreement, will also be progressed.

When the various Council approvals are in place, preparations will be made to start on site with the works.

Photography of the existing Avenham Lane and Queen Street arrangement

Visualisation of the proposed Avenham Lane and Queen Street arrangement - for illustrative purposes only

Funded by UK Government Logo
Preston City Council logo.
Lancashire County Council logo
A logo of Erik Wright Civil Engineering