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Preston Innovates drop-in session

Friday 27 September 2024
Time: 10:30
Price: Free
Cotton Court Business Centre
Preston Innovates drop-in session

Sit with Shirah Bamber of Preston Innovates and discuss anything tech, digital or cyber related

Shirah Bamber, who co-founded Alma, a Preston-based consultancy, has been appointed as Innovation Ambassador to represent Preston and raise its profile as a hub for innovation, cyber, tech and digital businesses. Acting as a single point of contact, Shirah will engage with the digital, tech, and innovation community across the city to identify opportunities for collaboration, good news stories, and further development.

The appointment by Preston City Council is in response to the recent "Nurturing Preston's Innovation Ecosystem" report published by Plexal. You can read more information on Preston Partnership - Nurturing Preston's Innovation Ecosystem PDF.

Booking and pricing

The 30 minute one-on-one drop-in sessions are free to attend.

You can book your session at Calendly - Innovation in Preston catch up.

Follow the socials

Businesses and organisations who work within technology, cyber, and innovation can connect with Shirah on LinkedIn at LinkedIn - Shirah Bamber, or email innovation@preston.gov.uk.

More information

Preston Partnership - Preston Innovates events series coming to Preston in August and September

Innovation Ambassador appointed for Preston


Cotton Court Business Centre

Church Street



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