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East-West Cycle Link Consultation

28 October 2024

Public engagement on 'Active Preston' project: East-West Cycle Link Scheme

Preston City Council are inviting your views about a proposed improvement scheme as part of the 'Active Preston' project, on Queen Street and Avenham Lane.  As a resident or local business, organisation or stakeholder within this neighbourhood we want to hear from you.   

About the proposals 

The proposals for the East-West cycle link scheme comprise:

  • The installation of 700m of new two-way (bi-directional) segregated cycle way on  Avenham Lane and Queen Street. 
  • These improvements include the reduction of the green verge to create a new separate cycle way
  • Environmental improvements such as tree planting on the existing grass verge.
  • Crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists on Avenham Lane and Queen Street.

The improvement works are planned to start on site in Spring 2025. 

Aims and benefits of the scheme

  • The 'Active Preston' project aims to create a safer and healthier environment for pedestrians and cyclists, supporting greener and sustainable travel options.
  • It will create new and improved ways of travelling across the city by a network of safer walking and cycling connections, improved quality of public spaces and safer, more user-friendly linkages across the city.
  • These improvements on Avenham Lane and Queen Street will bridge a key gap in the east-west cycling route to help people to walk or cycle for local trips, such as going to work, college, leisure or shop.
  • Connecting west via Preston Railway Station and east to the Colleges, the new route will add to existing cycling work and the 'Quietway' cycle link to Waverley Park and links to the Guild Wheel, Avenham Park and the routes across the River Ribble via the proposed new Tram Bridge (Ribble Bridge crossing). 


The proposals are shown on the East-West Cycle Link Scheme - Avenham Lane / Queen Street.

The consultation has now closed, but if you still wish to make any comments, please email: invest@preston.gov.uk

Thank you for your patience whilst we make Preston City Centre and its surrounds a better place to work, visit, shop and enjoy.

The scheme supports the Council's Community Wealth Building commitment to create a resilient and inclusive economy, improving the local environment, better air quality and encouraging active travel.